Module seccomp


ScmpAction* = enum
  Kill = 0x00000000, Trap = 0x00030000, Allow = 0x7FFF0000


proc get_version*(): (int, int, int)
Get seccomp version   Source
proc seccomp_ctx*(defaultAction = ScmpAction.Kill): ScmpFilterCtx
Create seccomp context   Source
proc reset*(ctx: ScmpFilterCtx; defAction = ScmpAction.Kill)
Destroy the filter state and releases any resources   Source
proc release*(ctx: ScmpFilterCtx)
Destroy the given seccomp filter state and releases any resources, including memory, associated with the filter state. This function does not reset any seccomp filters already loaded into the kernel. The filter context can no longer be used after calling this function.   Source
proc load*(ctx: ScmpFilterCtx)
Apply seccomp context   Source
proc add_rule*(ctx: ScmpFilterCtx; action: ScmpAction; syscall_name: string; argCnt = 0)
Add rule   Source